Monday, July 17, 2017

5 apps to make money off your phone

When it comes to working from home, it takes a lot of time and patience. Most work from home gigs take about 6 months to 1 year before you start to actually see a decent income. However, there are apps that you can download today and make some extra change off of.
Like every type of work from home gig, it does take some effort, and with these apps you will not instantly get rich or be able to quit your job. If you need some extra spending cash, these are a great way to do that!

If you get a few of them, and use them all, after about a month you will see that extra income build quickly. It takes some time to get used to checking on them, but with some practice you will get the hang of it. The key to making money on these apps is consistency.

I have tried, and deleted, many "make money from home" apps. Whether they were too much work, too much hassle, or not enough pay, I am not one to have my time wasted. The 5 apps listed below are the ones that made me some extra change easily.

1. Fiverr

I absolutely love this gig site! Not only can you post all of your available gigs and how much they cost, but you can also search through people who need different things done and message them to get an extra job. I find this a great way to advertise your business, especially if it has to do with writing, editing, or designing anything on the computer. From transcriptions to e-book covers, the possibilities to making some extra change are endless!

2. Shiftgig
Shiftgig is great because it is a great way to connect with local people who need work. Whether you have experience in restaurants, hotels, administrative positions or more, you will find it on shiftgig. List all of your experience and then simply wait until you get connected with local businesses who need your expertise.

Click here to join Shiftgig today

3. Quick Thoughts
Quick Thoughts is an app that is easy to download through most phone app stores. It is full of great surveys that you can easily take on your phone. Then you get instantly paid after 2 weeks, which is great and a lot quicker than some other apps.

4. Checkout 51

This is by far one of the easiest ways to make extra cash. Simply download this app, and everytime you go shopping for groceries you upload your receipt. For certain products you get points back just for buying them! Then, all these amazing points turn into money back. How great is that to earn money as you spend it? 😉

5. Craigslist/Letgo/ resell apps

There are plenty of apps out there for you to sell your old junk. Honestly, if this is your niche, I would suggest getting all of them. From then on, it becomes a waiting game. Always checking to see whats a good deal you could snatch. From there, you either sell it as is, or fix it up and sell it that way. Some times you can grab some things for free, in which you are truly winning because you get 100% profit. Always save money you have made to invest in more products, since you will have some down times where there is nothing to flip or sell online. One key to working for yourself is always staying prepared.
Search "Letgo" into your app store and it should pop up. If you go to related, you will see tons of other apps to download and flip some "nothings" into cold hard cash.

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