Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Reasons Why People are unsuccessful

Why are some people unsuccessful? You would think that the answer lied in whatever they said stopped them from success, but the answer is really simpler then that: 

They stopped there own success.

There are many reasons that people are not motivated, and once you stop being motivated, you will not try as hard and eventually give up easily. 
Below are all the reasons why people are unmotivated, and therefore unsuccessful:


Some people are too heavy on social media, although it can be a good thing, it can quickly turn bad. Looking at all the success, all the people faking a good life, it eventually turns into something that brings your self-worth down.


Others don’t have any belief in themselves. They never thought they could amount to anything, and therefore feel a reason to not even try. They think they have no real talent, when they have something great to contribute to the world.


Another great factor can be that people are not using their time wisely. If you are not being productive, where is your time going? Again, this world moves fast. If you don’t have your day planned out to a T, it is easy to get distracted and waste days or even weeks without knowing where your time really went.


This is a big one, especially in todays world. We are so unwilling to take responsibility for our own life, that we are quick to blame anyone and everyone for things that happen in our own lives. If you have the “blame game syndrome” I suggest you sit back and realize that your life is the way it is, because of what YOU chose to do with it. If you cannot except this, your life will be one big excuse, instead of any achievements.


There are people in this world who see the good in things, even when their world is falling apart. Others have nothing to complain about, except normal day life problems, and still find a reason to whine every day. Like everything in this world, it is a mental thing your brain does, and it CAN be changed. There are tons of books on thinking positive, but it stems from you starting to retrain your brain to see the GOOD in everything, instead of the BAD in every little thing.


Some people don’t have motivation, simply because they forget where hard work can get them. They forget to see the vision of what they want to accomplish, and suddenly, the work seems pointless.


Before you become a millionaire, set your goal to be a thousandaire. Nothing is wrong with setting large goals, but you must realize that things take time, and usually will take longer than you planned due to life and its setbacks. If you are being to unrealistic, you will never seem to be getting anywhere and be more prone to giving up.


These days, everyone wants things RIGHT NOW. In reality, life does not work like that. Just because we have internet and technology does not mean success will just fall in your lap. People forget how much work is required to get where they want to be, and quite often people give up right before they are about to achieve greatness.


A lot of people can get you down, simply because they complain that they “never catch a break”. In reality, it is that they were not willing to work for it and expected the chances to just fall in their lap. Opportunities are always out there, it is up to you to find them and catch every single one that is thrown your way. You never know when one small door can lead to the bigger door you have been waiting for.


Some people want the whole pie, without taking a small piece out first. The thing is, before you create a Mona Lisa, you must first make a rough sketch. If you want to quit smoking, start by first cutting back. Everything you want, takes steps. A lot of people want to jump all the way in, but you must make the small steps first.

Don't want to be one of these people? See yourself falling in this path? Take some time to check out the book below, which includes an entire workbook on becoming productive and changing your life. 
Find your Productivity

Creating Change

This world, moves so fast. Between work, school, personal life, and social media, it seems that life really does flash before your eyes. At some point, you may see that you are wasting time. When trying to be productive, it is hard if after so many years you were nothing but lazy. It is hard to change, but it is possible.

A lot of people see there dreams, and never want to give up, but life gets ahold of them and they believe they have to. They think that if they give up the dream will fade, but it simply does not work that way. The main thing that stops people from success is organization. They know what they want, but they don't know how to get there.

To make it worse, people get easily distracted from there goal and give up on a task, not realizing that this task is also them giving up on the goal itself. Staying focused on your goals are hard, but mandatory to keep you focused, especially in rough times when it feels like you won't make it.

In order to create change, you have to take a few steps ahead of that

  • Get rid of the negatives
  • Have a vision board
  • Make a plan
When you do these things, along with a few other steps, you can actually start to create and see a positive change in your world. Success is a lot simpler of a process then people are willing to believe, simply because the amount of work it includes. If your willing to do the work, always keep pushing, and do the steps above, you will see success over time. 

Below is a great book for getting your life organized. It includes all steps on how to clear your mind and get it focused to what you want to achieve. It explains how mental your battle is, and as long as you continue to work and stick to your plan, you will achieve anything you can see. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Motivation is Important to Success

I dont know many people who have achieved success without motivation. Nothing comes easy, and when things get hard, it is easy to give up.
If you don't have the right mind frame, or any motivation, you will end up giving up at the first hurdle you come across.
You can google some motivational quotes, hope that works. After awhile, it is just not as personal as you feel.
If you are trying to achieve a goal, change a bad habit, or just need some help getting up every morning, i have the answer for you.
Get a motivational text and pep talk sent to your phone daily! Not only will your individual goals get assessed, but also what it is that keeps you from achieving them.
Simply click below to get started today.
The moment you start investing in yourself, is the moment you can change the world YOU live in.

Friday, March 9, 2018

7 Things To Consider Before Investing

At some point, you will want to start investing your money. Most people jump into investing without much research, and then they wonder why they don't get the returns that they expected. When investing money, you should not be stressed or worried, and if anything you should have some fun with it. As long as you follow some steps before you begin, you will know you have no worries when it comes to investing your money!

1. Do Some Research:

You never want to blindly jump into investing, even with an investor or some help you need to research investing on your own. There are articles, groups on Facebook, even podcast dedicated t investing your  money. Your best bet is to take some time and explore them all, so that you get various opinions and even cool new ways to invest your money.

2. Learn The Lingo:

When you start investing, you will start hearing words you may have never heard. Money and finance in itself is it's own language, and if you want to make money you have to know how to speak it. It may seem confusing at first but the more you refresh yourself with it all, the easier it gets. When I first started, I actually had note cards to make sure I was understanding all my investments correctly, and trust me I was sure happy I did more than once.

3. Listen To Experts:

Before I put my money anywhere, I listened to tons of people who had either made a living of investing, or simply did it on the side to help increase there wealth. These people know the tricks, good and bad, and have already made all the basic mistakes that you can avoid by listening to them. If rich people give you free advice, you take it. You can easilygoto YouTube or podcast stations and find people who will tell you ways to really make your money multiply.

4. Explore Your Options:

There are tons of ways to actually start investing your money. Whether you want to go straight to the source (ex. Stock market, bank, etc.), use an app or website to assist in your investment (ex. Acorn,, etc.) or use an investor personally invest your money, always remember to do what makes you most comfortable. Daily life provides so much stress, investing should not be one more burden on your shoulders.

5. Expect Some Losses:

Investing always has ups and downs, and you must remember that this is not money you need, but money you are trying to flip. With all business investments, there are risk. Of course, some investments are riskier than others, which is anther reason to do your research. That way, you can know what to expect out of an investment and plan accordingly.

6. Make Sure Your Investments Are Legit:

The internet is full of help, and also full of scams. Before you get to excited about a new investment, always look into how legit it is. Investments are easily traceable, so if you cant find your investment many places online, you should reconsider. Always double check where your money is going before signing up or giving out bank information, as you don't want your information just anywhere on the web.

7. Take Risk In Your Comfort Level:

If you don't have money to spare, don't invest. when you invest in something, you should act as if it is gone. Most investments do better the longer they sit, and some even have a set time they MUST sit before you see any returns. You should never be losing sleep over your money, so don't make any investments that your comfortable with.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

9 Business Quotes To Change The Way You Think

Everything in this world is mental, as in, you will only go as far as your mind allows you too. It is easy to get distracted, discouraged, and even give up on the life you want. Those are the people who always have a negative view on things, and have an excuse for why things didn't work, instead of a way to make things happen. 

In order to become the select few that do not give up on your quest to money, success, or whatever it is you want out of your business, you have to stay mentally strong. I always say that you have to take care of your body, mind, and soul; but that's for another day. In order to take care of your mind, you have to keep positivity running through it DAILY.

Motivation is like eating for your brain, in order to keep it strong, you must get doses of motivation daily. Always try to learn something new or positive daily, try your hardest at what you are working towards, and your life will always stay changing for the better. 

Below are a few quotes that I love because they are positive, and also they make you think about things a little bit differently...

"Never stand begging for that
which you have the power to earn."

-Miguel de Cervantes

"Do not value money
for any more nor any less
than it’s worth;
it is a good servant
but a bad master."

-Alexandre Dumas

"Money will buy you
a pretty good dog,
but it won’t buy
the wag of his tail."

-Henry Wheeler Shaw

"Opportunity is missed
by most people
because it is dressed in overalls
and looks like work."

-Thomas Alva Edison

"The man
who does not work
for the love of work,
but only for money,
is not likely
to neither make money,
nor find much fun in life."

-Charles M Schwab

"You have to go broke
three times
to learn
how to make a living."

-Charles Dillon “Casey” Stengel

"Money won’t create success,
the freedom to make it will."

-Nelson Mandela

"Money is usually attracted,
not pursued."

-Jim Rohn

"To understand someone,
find out
how he spends his money."

-Mason Cooley

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Keeping those Resolutions

The New Year is all about starting fresh, but a lot of people start resolution's that they know they will never finish. If you want to change for the new year, nothing is wrong with that, as long as you stick to your change. Here are a few tips to help you stick to your plans.

1. plan out 60 days: When you make a change, it takes a few weeks for your body to get used to your change and make it something that is normal. However, when you plan in advance for enough time for your body to adjust, it makes things go a lot smoother. Always leave most plans in pencil, so they can be adjusted as need be. 

2. stick to your plan: You might fall off of your plan, but always do your best to immediately get back on track. The more you keep doing this, and actually sticking to what you planned, the quicker you will get used to doing this as a daily routine. Look at your planner often, to make sure you are sticking on track (especially if you have trouble focusing, or ADHD like me). 

3. Prep ahead for the entire week: Our weekend is usually about down time, but it is worth it to set ahead a few hours to prep for your week. Get meals ready, clothes ready, or whatever else you feel will get you a jumpstart on the week. That way, things you want to accomplish are already have way in the making, and you are more likely to finish what you already started. 

4. Stay Motivated: Get excited about your goal, have pictures and quotes all around you to stay motivated. Make sure to jam to music while you work out, laugh at some comedy while you prep for the week, and keep things exciting. Nothing should feel like a chore, it should all feel like tiny steps to an amazing change. Remember why you started, and why you want this change. Then get up, and get moving. 

5. Get a community with similar goals: You are your surroundings. It is hard to change when the world around you is stuck in the old. Chances are, if you have been this way for awhile, your entire world and the people around you are similar to you. No, you don't have to ditch all your friends or breakup with a spouse. However, you DO have to find some type of community or group of people that are headed in the same direction as you. This is as simple as joining a Facebook group whos goal is the same as you (business group, workout group, etc.) or finding some people online to follow who have accomplished this goal and help motivate others (famous people in this goal/category). However, as changes happen, you might find new friends with the same interest, and your actual community might naturally change.

6. Have a daily reminder: Have a nice planner or something to remind you daily of what needs to be done, this ensures that you stay on track on what you are trying to do. The reason you plan 60 days ahead, and then prep every week, is so that you have no excuse not to accomplish what you are trying to do. Look at that list, take some time to stretch and get motivated/ focused, and get up. It is easy to procrastinate and make excuses, but you are already half way there. Make sure to use this reminder to get going, and keep going until that list is done. 

7. Remember the end goal: Always have a vision board. I have seen many books, lectures, talks, etc. on how to accomplish a goal, and this is one that people seem to skip most. It is easy to say this is what I wanna do and how, but its hard to remember what you are working for sometimes. At some point, you will want to give up, and this vision board will remind you not to. Most people skip this step because it is silly, but it is key to success. It does not have to be a large poster board (although that is a great idea if you can), it can be as simple as a collage of screenshots you keep on your phone (if goals are more private). But keep something to remind you of what you want. Visualization is everything, once your mind sees this on repeat, your mind will make a way for it to happen.

Monday, November 13, 2017

30 Day Calendar of Social Media Post Ideas

When it comes to posting on social media, no one wants their timelines flooded with products that people are trying to sell to them. In this day and age, most successful people who sell on social media do so because they establish a brand of their own. What you do for your brand is totally up to you, and something you should consider before establishing yourself online. However, when posting online, it takes some time to figure it all out. 

If you have no idea on what to post, below is a full list of ideas for daily post. Some things to always remember about your post:

~Keep it Relevant
If you have to post a quote, a cool tip, etc.; do not make it a post about your own life or personal drama. Make sure everything you post has to do with your brand, and the type of product you sell
Find relevant hashtags for your post. No body wants to see a million hashtags on your post, so make sure the ones you use are the right ones for the message you are trying to say. If you do not know which one to use, spend some time just searching hashtags on different medias. That will give you ideas on other hashtags that would be great for promoting your brand.
~Think Ahead
Do not post last second, simply because you know you should. Take time to think out your post, and what all you are really trying to say. Staying ahead on your post for social media will show a more organized business. 
~Keep it Short
Most people scroll through social media when bored, so you must draw there attention quickly. Most post should be short, organized, and straight to the point. 

Ideas for what to post on your daily social media post: 

~Thank Your Fans
take some time to say thank you for there support

Everyone loves the idea of a discount

Give away some tricks that have to do with your industry

~Highlight New Product
Showcase a new special product that you have

"Like/Share/Follow/Tag" Giveaways are great to promote

~Highlight a business friends page
show off some great friends that do something like you

Give your followers something to laugh at for the day

~This or That question
Give them 2 options for quick answering

~In Case You Missed It 
Post an old blog/product post

~Inspirational Quote
Help your followers make it through the struggle

~@mention a follower
Name someone who shows you a lot of love(freebie if possible)

~Recent news in your niche
Find something new going on in your industry

~@mention a influencer
Its always good to show love to those who inspire you

~Promote blog post
Post an interesting article that you recently posted

~Ask a question 
Give an open question so they can speak their opinions

~A day in the life
Show a snippet into your business life

~Breaking News
What is happening right now! (with your business, or your industry)

~Training Video
Give them some help, teach them 

~Eye catching photo
Post something beautiful that will leave them in awe

~Recommend helpful tool
What is something to help there day go smoother?

~Your Workspace
Show them where the magic happens!

~Introduce Yourself
Give a snippet into the person behind the business

~Long Post/Story
Take some time to elaborate on something great

~Fun Fact
Something small and interesting to leave them in shock

~Weekly Roundup Interesting Read
Let them know about the best reads for your industry 

~Share what you are reading
Tell followers what you find interesting to read/listen to

~Answer a customer question
Answer a question to help all your followers learn something new

~Share a free resource
Giving away a free PDF to draw there attention

~Share a fan photo
Show how much people love your stuff

~Share a interesting statistic
Find a statistic that can relate to your products positively

If possible: 

~Holiday Post
Find a holiday/ National "whatever" day that relates to your business

~Testimonial Post
Find someone to write about how great your product really is

Reasons Why People are unsuccessful

Why are some people unsuccessful? You would think that the answer lied in whatever they said stopped them from success, but the answer is re...